Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Lovely One You Are That Bride

 "My Bride shall gather her garments and purify herself for Me.  Her eyes shall sparkle again.  She will dance again and raise her hands in praise to Me again, therein lies her freedom.  All chains shall fall.  My Bride will cleanse and purify herself and put on her wedding garments of white, without spot or wrinkle."

        "She will shine like the morning sun.  Her crown shall shimmer with the jewels of beauty upon her head.  Her hair shall glissen and frolich like young deer at play.  Her smile will show forth the peace and harmony that resides within all her parts.  She will reach out and touch and speak forth with the voice of love.  I can see her, now.  I see her.  She is beautiful.  Can you see her?   She is you, My lovely one, you are that Bride to Me."